TCSP 52 -- Get Rid of the Health Care Middleman with Nelson Griswold (part 2)
Season #1Episode #52
Get Rid of the Health Care Middleman with Nelson Griswold |
Here is the episode for listeners who want to spend less and get more!
This is part 2 of our conversation with Nelson Griswold, health care benefits visionary. If you haven’t listened to part 1, go ahead and download episode 51 now.
In episode 51, you learn:
How your workplace health care plan repels the top talent you’ve worked so hard to attract and
The jaw-dropping truth behind the online physician directories. (I can tell you after hearing Nelson’s insider insight, I will never use one again!)
After you listen to episode 51, come listen to this episode. We take a deep dive on how to get rid of the health care middleman. Find out:
•why you should never pay the first bill
•when and how you to use “cash pay” to your advantage
•how to get rid of the health care middleman so you pay less and get more from your health care plan
And along the way, we get into sleep, Counterfeit Sleep®, and your long-term health.
Let’s listen in to part 2 of this eye-opening conversation with the man who is redefining the health care benefits industry, Nelson Griswold.
When you're ready to harness the benefits of High Performance Sleep™, clink the link below. You take this simple step, and we'll take care of the rest!
For you:
Find out your risk of Counterfeit Sleep®. Take the screening here:
For your workplace:
Bring the benefits of High Performance Sleep™ to your workplace!
Learn more about high performance sleep™ and our sleep performance assessment in your workplace. Visit
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