TCSP 31 -- Top Talent Attraction with Bill Humbert

Season #1 Episode #31

Top Talent Attraction with Bill Humbert If you’ve been listening to the business reports—or even the nightly news—you’ve heard there’s a labor shortage. Interestingly, in the Quarterly Economics Briefing for Q2*, it is noted that it is a “perceived labor shortage” — really just a reflection of COVID-related changes in two areas: 1) the labor supply and 2) the labor market re-equilibration from the rapid rebound of demand for labor as businesses reopened. LABOR SUPPLY DECLINES If we look further at labor supply, the briefing states, "During the pandemic, labor force participation declined most sharply for women with family responsibilities and for workers over 55.” So let’s first look at the women’s labor force participation—it is expected to increase by the end of this year. And that makes sense because, for example, more kids are back at school, leaving women with fewer family responsibilities—at least in theory, as I’m sure the moms who are listening would agree. But back to the labor supply and our second group…the workers over 55. Can we expect the same increase in this group? No. And why is that? Simply because the shortage of workers over 55 was not a result of a more temporary reason like family responsibilities. No, the labor shortage for workers over 55 came about because there was a wave of early retirements in this population.  So what does this labor shortage mean for you if you’re the Chief Talent Officer—or any member of the C-Suite for that matter? It means top talent recruitment will be more difficult than ever. And my guess it that you know that already. So the question is: What can you do to get the ROI you need for your recruitments efforts? To give you the insights you need, we welcome Bill Humbert to The Counterfeit Sleep® Podcast. Bill is an expert recruiter with 40 years of Recruiting Experience. He understands both sides of the desk as a Recruiter and as a Career Coach.  In this episode, Bill shares why abandoning talent acquisition and embracing “talent attraction” is the key to reducing turnover and retaining top talent. Bill also gives you the skinny on why mirroring the sales process in your talent attraction process yields maximum ROI! Bill offers a very unique perspective that will benefit anyone who relies on employees for business success—and for anyone who is an employee. Listen in and learn: Why “talent acquisition” leads to workforce turnover How “talent attraction” grows your future leadership pool What the sales process teaches you about hiring, onboarding and retention of top talent Bill Humbert's BIO: Bill is an expert recruiter with 40 years of Recruiting Experience ( He understands both sides of the desk as a Recruiter and Career Coach. He has been referred to as The Candidate Whisperer. In an evaluation he received on August 19, 2021, his client wrote, “Get many folks struggling with their career search to Bill Humbert. He changed my life for the better.”  Connect with Bill: LinkedIn - Bill Humbert | LinkedIn Twitter - @RecruiterGuy81 Facebook - RecruiterGuy's Guide to Finding a Job | Facebook Website - HTTPS:// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sleep Performance For you: Find out your risk of Counterfeit Sleep®. Take the screening here: For your workplace: Get the benefits of High Performance Sleep in your workplace! Learn more about high performance sleep and our sleep performance assessment in your workplace. Visit  _______________________________________________________________________________________ *