TCSP 17 -- When to Say NO to Napping

Season #1 Episode #17

The Napping Controversy Today we step into the controversial side of sleep: Napping. If you’re like most people, you’re thinking, “Napping? Is there really a controversy??  There is, and it’s a major controversy. For example, an estimated 34% of companies encourage naps on the job. For some employees, that’s a great strategy that increases productivity and grows the bottom line. But for far too many employees, it only adds to the problem and leads to long term problems and losses. Of course, that begs the question “why?” And what can you do to figure out who will benefit from workplace napping and who won't? That’s exactly what we get into in this Counterfeit Sleep® Controversy episode on napping!  First, we look at the controversy over napping—and then we dive into what’s really going on, what the science tells us, and what the solutions are if you find yourself on the wrong side of the napping controversy. Find out: •why workplace napping is a double-edged sword  •what kind of employee will benefit from workplace napping •how you can determine the right solutions for your workplace ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you're ready to make Counterfeit Sleep® a part of your past history and harness the benefits of High Performance Sleep™, clink the link below. You take this simple step, and we'll take care of the rest! For you: Find out your risk of Counterfeit Sleep®. Take the screening here: For your workplace: Bring the benefits of High Performance Sleep™ to your workplace! Learn more about high performance sleep™ and our sleep performance assessment in your workplace. Visit  Connect with Tara A. Clancy, MA, High Performance Sleep Strategist. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .